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It is for Freedom.

January 26, 2011

This morning, I woke up in a free place. A freer place than yesterday. Hopefully not as free as tomorrow. Because although we have made progress in our short history. We have much work still to do.

Enthusiasm is contagious. And so is negativity. But these days, one sells much better than the other. Yes, there are bad things that need to be noticed, but seriously, scare tactics for the sake of creating news where there is none?! C’mon, peeps. We love to hate the politicians, who love to hate on one another. And we scream about our inability to get things done. Have we forgotten what we are capable of? It doesn’t take politics. Not even the government. We are people. Free. To create our own change.

Sometimes we do better in a crunch. As the underdog. Than we do as the big dog with all the power in the world. We just have forgotten what it’s like to be in desperate need.

When will we see? It is for freedom that we have been set free. Not so that we have the power to enslave others.

Though we have no control over other people’s influence and how they choose to act, we do have control over our own. Darkness doesn’t have the power to overcome light; light will always have the upper hand. Life doesn’t have to be as negative as we make it out to be. The successful optimists are those that are active in seeing progress come to life. But those that just sit back and let life happen to them will always be wondering why things can’t seem to get any better.

Yes, today, I woke up in place where people choose to enslave themselves and their neighbors. Whether by pride or prejudice or the lust of material things.

Let us remember that we live in a world of suffering and pain. Even here within our own free state. If you’re thinking what can I do if I’ll never have control?

First, cry. Empathize or at least sympathize. With all the hurt in the world. For all the ways in which we fall short. And then pick up your head and find one place where you can make a difference. Focus on that, and put everything you have into making someone’s life a little better, giving without judgment. Only acceptance and love. Sometimes it’ll work, sometimes it won’t. Sometimes they’ll appreciate, sometimes they can’t. But every time you’ll realize that you are becoming more of the person you already wish everyone else to be.

One Comment leave one →
  1. January 27, 2011 2:28 am

    Hi Ben, To make a difference is my goal for this year and hopefully, and I hope I could make it.
    There is something about freedom and the silence that comes with a freer place of self-imposed distance from the insanity of constant social-whoring. Silence, and maybe some serenity as well. Only in silence I could be free.

    Thanks for the great share. I’ve learned something from your post today.

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